Slavic Virgin hair, sourced from women in the former Soviet Union—primarily Russia, Ukraine, and Moldova—is renowned in the human hair industry for its unparalleled quality. Known as "White Gold" in the West, this hair is highly coveted for its thin, silky texture and natural light shade, making it ideal for extensions and weaves. The industry, worth billions, classifies hair according to race: 1 kg of Slavic Virgin hair ranges from 1700 to 2700 euros, whereas Uzbek Virgin hair ranges from 800 to 1300 euros, and Asian Virgin hair from 500 to 900 euros. This trade creates an economic dependence, with hair from Eastern Europe being sold predominantly in Western markets.

Anisia's use of this hair in embroidery—a traditional Eastern European female practice—serves as a poignant medium to question contemporary systems of value.

In this talk, Anisia will provide insights into her artistic process, examining both the material and philosophical aspects of her work. She will also shed light on the socio-economic and political dimensions of the human hair trade, exploring themes of cultural appropriation and the commodification of the human body.

practical information
Date 6 July 2024
Tijd 3:00 pm
Duration 45 minutes + 20 minutes Q&A
Entrance  Free. You can subscribe here